Theme 2:

Ecosystems & LULUCF

There is almost no corner of the Earth not impacted by human activity. Through our economic and social development over thousands of years, humans have changed the very atmosphere of the Earth through changing its aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

But how do these changes affect the global climate system? And vice versa, how does climate change affect natural ecosystems and human habitats? What are nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation and mitigation? Let’s explore this topic with us!

Links to modules

Don’t have time to read through complicated scientific reports? Click here to experience Youth4Climate Learning Hub’s cool modules!

Natural ecosystems and climate change

Land use and land use changes

Food systems


After mastering all the knowledge in this theme, take this small quiz to test your knowledge!

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Youth voices

What role can young people play in forwarding nature-based solutions? Can age prevent you from developing interesting projects? Read the youth’s own posts to learn and get inspired!

Additional info

Still interested in learning more about climate science topics? You can refer to the following resources from leading organizations and experts in the world and Vietnam!


Join us

Come join us! Want to take action for the climate? Interested in increasing your understanding of climate topics in the Vietnamese youth community?

Join the group of experts and young people in the Youth4Climate Learning Hub network to continue developing a meaningful hub of information exchange for Vietnamese youth!

Nhóm phát triển Chủ đề 2: Các hệ sinh thái & Sử dụng đất