Theme 4

Materials & Waste

For youth who care about the environment, waste management may be the topic that you hear about the most. It’s not uncommon for trash to be all around us — from leftovers and plastic wraps to plastic straws floating on the streets.

But are you sure you understand the link between climate change, waste management and the materials and industrial processes that created waste in the first place? Let’s find the answers to these questions together!

Links to modules

Don’t have time to read through complicated scientific reports? Click here to experience Youth4Climate Learning Hub’s cool modules!

Waste and climate change

Industrial processes & Materials

Circular economy


After mastering all the knowledge in this theme, take this small quiz to test your knowledge!

Download challenge

Youth voices

What role can young people play in forwarding a circular economy? Can age prevent you from developing interesting projects? Read the youth’s own posts to learn and get inspired!

Additional info

Still interested in learning more about climate science topics? You can refer to the following resources from leading organizations and experts in the world and Vietnam!


Join us

Come join us! Want to take action for the climate? Interested in increasing your understanding of climate topics in the Vietnamese youth community?

Join the group of experts and young people in the Youth4Climate Learning Hub network to continue developing a meaningful hub of information exchange for Vietnamese youth!

Nhóm phát triển Chủ đề 4: Vật liệu & Chất thải

Đào Quốc Dũng

Nguyễn Ngọc Hải Đăng
